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Frequently Asked Questions

What is SCAsource?

SCAsource is a website where research on SCAs and related ataxias is written in plain language by SCA scientists. Our goal is to make research news more readily accessible and understandable to ataxia patients and families.

All SCAsource content is free to use and share on other websites and through social media.

Who are the people behind SCAsource?

The idea for SCAsource arose from conversations at the AIM 2018 research meeting. The project is now coordinated by Celeste Suart and Dr. Hayley McLoughlin. We have over 45 volunteers from Canada, Europe, and the US to help create content. All of them are ataxia researchers at various stages of their careers. For more information see Our People Page.

Is the content on SCAsource unbiased?

Making sure content was free from bias was very important to us when we created SCAsource. Here are the steps we are taking to remain impartial:

  • Any agency that provides funding to SCAsource will not have editorial control over content
  • We will not accept funding from a pharmaceutical company or other organization with a monetary interest in a particular treatment/technology
  • All writer and editors have conflict of interest statements at the end of each article to contribute to, so SCAsource will be transparent about any potential source of bias to its readers.

Where can I find out more about SCAs and Ataxias?

Many countries have their own ataxia organizations or associations. These can be a good starting point for information and to see what resources are available in your area.

Who funds SCAsource?

SCAsource is currently funded by a grant from Ataxia UK, a charity organization located in the United Kingdom which supports people affected by any form of ataxia.

Is SCAsource only available in English?

As of now, SCAsource is written primarily in English. We have had some of our articles translated into other languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) by volunteers.  As the website becomes more established, we hope to add more translations and other languages to SCAsource.

Where do you get the articles you write about?

All content on SCAsource is based on peer-reviewed scientific articles on SCA and ataxias. Links to the original articles are included in all summaries.

Can I ask for medical advice?

No, SCAsource and its volunteers will not offer any individual medical advice. Contact your physician or an appropriate health care professional for this type of advice and input. Please see our terms of use.

How can I write or edit for SCAsource?

We are always looking for new volunteers to help out with SCAsource. Please send us a message through our contact page.

I have a question, comment, or suggestion for an article. How can I tell you about it?

Please send us a message through our contact page. Due to the volume of emails, we may not be able to respond to all messages individually.

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