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Ewa Blonska

Hi! My name is Ewa 🙂 I live in a beautiful and green country – Poland.

I am a recently diagnosed person whose story is probably quite unique, because almost anyone is diagnosed without having symptoms. I didn’t have any signs of Ataxia, but quite a few people have Ataxia in my family and I just wanted to know. And I think it’s good that I found out, because in the last few years I just started taking care of myself more.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Ataxia yet, but there are some advice that come down to one thing – lead a healthy life. Eat healthy food, exercise, take supplements, try to live a stress-free life – these are the ideal guidelines that we should follow. And hope the drug comes out soon.

Of course, this is not easy. Sometimes you want to drop everything and cry “why me ?!” I understand it and I have it too. And I have no advice for such situations. I guess you have to wait and allow yourself to cry too. Sometimes we just need it.  

Living with a diagnosis of Ataxia and with Ataxia itself is extremely difficult, and it is best understood by those who have it on a daily basis. On the other hand, the sight of so many people involved, still looking for joy and solutions, gives me a great hope that we will be able to get out of this together.”

Despite the Ataxia that affects me slightly, I want to be an active person. I am a graphic artist and I still draw, although everything is going much slower. I love the world of the Internet – I have an account on YouTube, I have an online store and I even have a blog – – where I try to describe my everyday life with Ataxia, answer certain doubts and share various discoveries. And I invite you too see that blog and to like my FB page:

I am so lucky that despite living far away, I have someone to talk to about ataxia and with whom to share my fears. It seems to me that this is the most important – support in others. I think it’s worth being honest with yourself and others.

If you don’t have anyone close to you, you can always take advantage of a webinar hosted by various organizations – such as NAF – and find out that you are not alone!

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