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Clearing aggregated ataxin-2 protein as a therapeutic avenue for SCA2

Written by Dr. Vitaliy Bondar Edited by Dr. Hayley McLoughlin New research suggests that mutant ataxin-2 protein overwhelms cells in SCA2, leading to decreased autophagy and clearance of damaged proteins. Many comparisons can be made between cells and human beings. Just like humans, cells can accumulate junk and waste at Read More…

A new molecule identified that controls cerebellar communication

Written by Dr. Ambika Tewari Edited by Dr. Sriram Jayabal Targeting phosphatases in the cerebellum can correct miscommunication in multiple models of ataxia. The cerebellum is essential for motor coordination and consists of the coordinated activity of different types of cells. Purkinje cells are one of the most fascinating cell Read More…

A New Use for Old Drugs

Written by Dr. Amy Smith-Dijak Edited by Logan Morrison Basic biology helps identify a new treatment for ataxia Drug design doesn’t always have to start with a blank slate. Sometimes understanding how existing drugs work can help researchers to design new ones, or even to recombine old drugs in new Read More…

Snapshot: What does dominant ataxia mean?

Ataxias can occur due to a multitude of reasons. One way a patient might acquire ataxia is from an accident or an injury – not as a result of genetics. On the other hand, a patient could also inherit a specific mutation (a genetic defect, in other words) from one Read More…

Les yeux, des fenêtres pour voir la fonction cérébrale dans les ataxies spinocérébelleuses

Écrit par Dr Sriram Jayabal, Édité par Dr David Bushart, Traduction française par: L’Association Alatax, Publication initiale: 20 décembre 2019  Les déficits de mouvement oculaire se produisent de manière omniprésente dans les ataxies spinocérébelleuses, même aux premiers stades de la maladie, soulignant leur importance clinique. Imaginez les différents mouvements moteurs Read More…

Working with cerebellar ataxia

Written by Dr. David Bushart Edited by Dr. Sriram Jayabal How can employment be made more accessible for ataxia patients? What barriers exist? A study of workers and non-workers with ataxia analyzes the benefit of employment, as well as how to reduce risk of injury. A job can often become Read More…

Snapshot: How does CAG tract length affect ataxia symptom onset?

The instructions our bodies need to grow and function are contained in our genes. These instructions are made up of tiny structures called nucleobases. There are four types of nucleobases in DNA: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine (T). By putting these four nucleobases in different orders and patterns, Read More…

Eyes: Windows to peek at brain function in spinocerebellar ataxias

Written by Dr. Sriram Jayabal Edited by Dr. David Bushart Eye movement deficits occur ubiquitously in spinocerebellar ataxias, even at early disease states, highlighting their clinical importance. Imagine the different motor movements that you make in your everyday life. Many people think of actions that we perform using our hands Read More…

Mitochondrially Stressed

Written by Dr. Judit M. Pérez Ortiz Edited by Dr. Brenda Toscano Márquez Scientists describe how SCA2 oxidative stress can affect mitochondrial function, and potentially how to fix it Mitochondrial Stress We all have experienced stress. When cramming for an exam last minute, or getting ready for a job interview, Read More…

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