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ICAR Recap Wednesday Afternoon: Cerebellum, Therapy Development & Imaging

Written by Dr. Hannah Shorrock, with notes from Dr. Amy Smith-Dijak and Celeste SuartEdited by Celeste Suart Understanding non-motor functions and factors that govern vulnerability in the cerebellum will help to inform preclinical therapy development, from CRISPR to small molecules, and provides important considerations for imaging studies. Together, these research Read More…

ICAR Recap Wednesday Morning: Biomarkers & Neurons

Written by Sarah Donofrio, with notes from Dr. Hayley McLoughlinEdited by Hayley McLoughlin On Wednesday morning, ICAR attendees heard talks covering a range of topics, all  focused on research about the mechanisms and biomarkers of ataxia. Wednesday morning began with the Disease Mechanisms Plenary. The session was kicked off by Read More…

ICAR Recap Tuesday Afternoon: Partnership & Understanding Ataxia

Written by Dr. Hannah ShorrockEdited by Dr. Hayley McLoughlin Early involvement of patients in clinical trial design, developing innovative imaging techniques and leveraging a clear understanding of disease mechanisms will pave the way for clinical trial success in the ataxias. As the field of ataxia research moves towards clinical trials, Read More…

The Difference Between Observational and Interventional Studies

There are two main categories of human clinical trials: (1) observational studies, and 2) interventional studies. Both types of clinical studies are essential to developing new therapies for rare diseases like Ataxia. There are multiple trials taking place right now for Ataxia. In this PrepRARE article, learn a little more Read More…

All About Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) Donation

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this article is for informational use only. NAF encourages all readers to consult with their primary care provider, neurologist, or other healthcare provider about any advice mentioned. Deciding whether to donate cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) is a very personal, but impactful decision. In the video Read More…

How Do I Know if I Qualify for a Research Study

If you’ve been involved in research or read about research studies involving human participants, you’ve likely heard the terms “inclusion and exclusion criteria.” While the definitions of inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria seem fairly self-explanatory, it is important to understand some background on why these criteria are utilized. Let’s start Read More…

National Ataxia Foundation

Clinical Trial Phases

Let’s chat about Clinical Trial Readiness with a focus on Ataxia. Clinical trials ensure that treatments are safe and effective before they gain approval for widespread use in humans. Clinical trials test new treatments and therapies including: new drugs, different use for an already approved drug, medical devices, new treatment/therapy Read More…

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